Good News Rebrand
GOOD NEWS we are really happy to announce our new rebrand.
We have teamed up with our good friends at Konnoi to create our new brand identity.
Our first job was to create a logo that embodied all the fun and joy that we feel our products exude.
We looked at playful geometry found in the name and customized the type to compliment these characteristics. The key was to keep it satisfyingly simple.
The next step was to develop an identity that visually reflected the personality we had created to date. We focused on 3 key areas:
Tone and typography
Vibrancy in colour
Playfulness through photography (lucklily we had amazing photography already created by …. To work with).
In messaging, it was important to turn ‘good news’ into a fun headline instead of just a sign-off signature on posters and other communications. “It’s Spring” being a good example.
That’s enough guff, just take a look at the work 😊